The Thorstein Veblen Farmstead National Historic Landmark
THE LANDMARK IS CLOSED TO THE PUBLIC UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. To see daily highlights of life on the farm please FOLLOW us at Thank you for your interest in the Landmark and for your patience during these trying times. We look forward to meeting you sometime in the future.
The most satisfying part of our stewardship of the Landmark is sharing the Veblen family story with guests and tour groups. The lives of Norwegian immigrants Thomas and Kari Veblen and their children exemplifies the immigrant experience of 19th century America. This farm stands as a testament to their ingenuity, devotion to hard work and determination to educate their children for a better future in their new country.
Their son Thorstein initially gained recognition with the publication of his first book, The Theory of the Leisure Class, in 1899. It has been translated into many languages, and has been in continuous publication ever since. The Landmark honors Veblen's accomplishments as a world-renowned economist, author and social critic. Visitors experience the home where one of America's most important thinkers grew up, and gain some insight into how Thorstein Veblen's childhood experiences on a late 19th century immigrant farm helped shape his economic and social theories that continue to remain relevant today.
Tours of the Landmark may be scheduled for Wednesday afternoons between Memorial Day and Labor Day BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. Groups larger than 20 are divided to limit the number of people in the house at one time. The price is $15/per person, with a minimum charge of $150. If desired, arrangements can be made for refreshments on the lawn. Possibilities range from homemade cookies and lemonade to a full picnic lunch in the garden. Price is determined by the size of the group and choice of refreshments.
“It was such a pleasure to meet you both and see your beautiful place — ‘the best kept secret in Minnesota’.”
“Thank you for your warmth, hospitality, time and great care of this amazing place. It is clear the Veblen family history is in great hands .”
“Thank you for your superb tour of the Veblen Farmhouse and for a thoroughly enjoyable evening learning new things about Thorstein Veblen and your historic home! ”